Graduated in Business Administration, specializing in Freelance Profession, from the Luigi Bocconi University of Milan.
Luca Luigi Tomasini was a Chartered Accountant from September 10, 2001, to December 18, 2023.
He is currently a Qualified Tax Advisor, Lapet, Law no. 4/2013, registration no. 11944015, listed in the Register of Legal Auditors at the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), no. 125418, DM 18/04/2002, Official Gazette no. 36 of 7/05/2022, and registered in the CFE European Register of Tax Advisers.
He is a Business and Tax Consultant with an office located in Milan.
He operates in key economic areas supporting companies, such as business consulting, corporate consulting, and tax consulting, both domestically and internationally.
For over ten years, he has been assisting private clients, both Italian and foreign, especially HNWIs, in managing their wealth and fulfilling obligations related to financial and real estate activities held anywhere and income produced anywhere.
In collaboration with an art historian and independent expert in the field, as well as a certified art appraiser, he provides advice on any type of investment made in this area.
Moreover, he assists private clients in managing the tax aspects related to relocation, having provided specialized support in this field to hundreds of clients.
Collaborating with an established network composed of leading investment banks, private equity funds, and advisors in the field of extraordinary finance operations, he offers consultancy on M&A and capital market access.
Thanks to his participation in the Ascheri Group Network, based in London, and the support of professionals with complementary and local specialized skills, he guides companies in their internationalization process.
He holds positions as Statutory Auditor and Legal Auditor in industrial and commercial SMEs and holding companies.
SKILLS: Tax Compliance, Tax Advisory, Wealth Planning
CLIENTS: SMEs, Private Clients – HNWI
- Associate of ANCP, National Association of Wealth Consultants;
- Member of ANTI, National Association of Italian Tax Advisors;
- Member of the Bocconi Alumni Community and last Topic Leader of the Accountants Topic Group;
- Member of the Italian Chamber of Commerce for Switzerland (CCIS);
- Member and auditor of the Center for Criminal and Tax Law (CDPT);
- Member of IFA, International Fiscal Association;
- Member of the National Institute of Legal Auditors (INRL);
- Associate of ANPIB (National Association of Private & Investment Bankers);
- Ordinary associate of Nedcommunity – non-executive and independent directors;
- Member of the Società del Quartetto di Milano;
- Wine Connoisseur certificate awarded on November 3, 2023, by ONAV (National Organization of Wine Tasters);
- Full member of the National Association of Italian Artillerymen (ANARTI);
- Ambassador of the Alice For Children Association;
- Since December 17, 2009, a member of the Maria Letizia Verga Committee for the study and treatment of childhood leukemia.