Of Counsel, PhD, Senior Associate
Mantua – Bologna – Brescia
Daniele Iarussi is a qualified Italian lawyer, contract professor in Private Law and PhD in Labor law at the University of Bologna, where he carried out scientific research and obtained, even before, the Specialization Diploma in “Forensic Professions” under the guidance of Prof. Galgano and a master’s degree in Family law. He is also a teacher and trainer at public administrations and main training schools.
He is the Founder and Owner of Iarussi Law Firm, headquartered in Asola – Mantua, specialized in Italian and Comparative Labor Law (as well as Civil law, Family law and Tax law). He is also specialized in interdisciplinary legal assistance to companies structured with the so-called MLM (Multi Level Marketing).
He is authorized to practice before the Supreme Court of Cassation and the Higher Jurisdictions and is a Specialist Lawyer ex Decree n. 163/2020 in “Labour Law and Social Security” pursuant to a resolution of the CNF (National Forensic Council). He is also a “European lawyer” and member of the Council of Bar Associations of Europe (CCBE) and was selected by the CNF (for 2020 and 2021) among the first thirty Italian lawyers to represent Italy at the Council of Europe during the course/conference (Help Program) on appeals to the Court of Justice.
He carried out study and research experiences at the University of Alicante (Spain), the University of Havana, the University of Miami and at the Legal Service of the European Commission in Brussels and as well as having collaborated with leading American Law Firms, establishing himself as an expert in private international law and contracts. He collaborates with and/or is a member of the editorial board of various specialized labor law magazines and works as a publicist. He has over seventy-five scientific publications (including three monographs, a manual and a commentary on workplace safety of which he is, also, curator) and has been a speaker in several conferences and seminars.