Pontecagnano Faiano
The professional firm www.gallifococommercialista.com, founded in 2006, provides services to businesses and entities in accordance with Regulation No. 169/2010, which governs the activities of chartered accountants. In particular, the firm specializes in the following areas:
- Administration and liquidation of companies, assets, and individual properties
- Appraisals and valuations
- Accounting work, financial statements, and labor consultancy
- Damage assessments and arbitration
- Roles as statutory auditor and financial reviewer
- Business transformations, mergers, demergers, contributions/consolidations, and economic/financial consultancy
- Tax assistance, representation, and advisory services
- Settlement of financial interests
- Corporate law consultancy and internationalization of businesses
The technical structure operates in partnership across the territory, collaborating with various professional advisors, including C&G Capital SpA, a financial advisor and partner of Borsa Italiana. This partnership ensures expertise and tailored solutions aimed at providing liquidity to support the growth of Italian businesses in the market.
C&G Capital SpA is headquartered in Treviso but operates through branches and operational desks nationwide. Its technical collaborators, recognized by EFPA ITALIA (European Financial Planning Association) and known as “Kredit Finders,” are present throughout Italy. Thanks to continuous training, they can guide companies in finding the most suitable solutions to finance their growth projects through alternative financing, particularly via Private Equity funds.
We work every day to support businesses in our country, providing them with a customized pathway to access capital markets. We conduct financial analyses, develop industrial plans, and structure the most suitable financial instruments for each specific case. Since 2020, we have offered listing services on Borsa Italiana as well as investor relations services necessary to navigate this process.
We were the first in Italy to establish a Business School dedicated to Alternative Finance, in collaboration with H-FARM College and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice – Roncade Treviso International Campus for education, innovation, and startups.