We act as debt lawyers for both individuals and businesses, and we can assist you with the following services:
• Analysis of your case and review of documentation
• Sending a Letter of Claim
• Receiving payment on your behalf
• Chasing payment by telephone
• Tracing the debtor
• Drafting and issuing Court proceedings
• Obtaining a Country Court judgment
• Advising you on the different methods of enforcing the judgment
• Enforcing the judgment
We can also assist you in international debt recovery.
Stage 1
Since 1 Oct 2017, there is a new pre-action protocol (also known as a Letter of claim) for recovering a debt from an individual (including a sole trader) but this doesn’t apply to business to business debts otherwise.
Letters before action sent to companies usually require the debtor to pay within 14 days, but letters to individuals provide for a 30-day period in accordance with guidelines laid down by the court and the time limit for payment in international letters before action may vary.
We can assist you in corresponding with your debtor to resolve disputes and recover your debt without the need for legal action. We offer fixed fees at each stage of this process, which might involve a second letter demanding payment or lengthy negotiations to reach a Settlement Agreement or repayment plan.
Stage 2
Anyone wishing to proceed with a claim should note that interest and compensation may take the debt into a higher banding with a higher cost.
Once the court has served the claim a debtor has 14 days in which to file a defence or enter an acknowledgement. After the 14-day period has expired a request can be made to the court for judgment to be entered providing the debtor has not filed an acknowledgement or a defence.
If judgment is obtained but not paid, then further action will be required to enforce payment.
A typical debt recovery will take between 4-12 weeks, from instruction through to payment from the other side. This may be quicker or longer depending on whether we are required to issue a claim and whether the other side pays promptly on receipt of any Judgment issued by a court.
£10,000 – £50,000
£50,001 – £100,000
£2,000 – 8,000 plus VAT
£8,000 – £12,000 plus VAT
Our fees are estimates based on the time spent working on these matters and are based on our hourly fees:
• £300 + VAT with a solicitor;
• £250 + VAT with a RFL (Registered Foreign Lawyer) or with a Consultant;
• £200 + VAT with a trainee solicitor or paralegal.
Our fees are fixed and include items detailed above. However, there may be factors which would typically increase the cost of the fees. Where there is likely to be any additional cost, we will make sure you are informed of this at the earliest opportunity and a clear estimate of those extra costs will be provided.
Factors that may lead to an increase in cost include:
• Enforcement proceedings
• Instructing a Bailiff
Our Team
Our team is made up of Solicitors, some of whom are both qualified in Italy and in the United Kingdom, a Registered Foreign Lawyer, Chartered Accountants, trainee solicitors and paralegals.
We also collaborate with independent solicitors expert in different legal fields.