Of Counsel

Roma, Milano

Serena Mattei is an Italian Supreme Court attorney at Law. Her focus areas include administrative and civil law, commercial law, inheritance and generational transfers, real estate, industrial and intellectual property law, unfair competition.

Founder of “LegaleSM”, with Rome headquarters located in Palazzo Grazioli, an ancient noble building in the historic center, and also engaged in Milan.

Membership IBA (International Bar Association), at legal practice division, committee. Member of the board of Edelton, Italian multidisciplinary network of highly structured and digitalized professionals. Serena was also appointed by the Italian civil Court as legal administrator in the field of real estate executions and judicial sales.

Graduated from the University of Rome La Sapienza at the chair held by Prof. Giuseppe Ugo Rescigno. 2-year master in corporate communication at Luiss Guido Carli University.

Fellowship at European Parliament (Bruxelles/Strasburg), and Confindustria. Journalist, author of numerous publications for Italian leading media. Languages: Italian, English.