Of Counsel
Macerata, Roma, Monopoli
Morena Luchetti has earned a PhD in “Sociology of Legal and Political Institutions and Analysis of Administrative Structures” at the University of Macerata.
She has served as a Contract Professor at the “Carlo Bo” University of Urbino and the University of Macerata, teaching “Administrative Law” and “Environmental Law,” as well as “Administrative Law I” and “Administrative Law II” at the SSPL (Advanced School for Legal Professions) of the Universities of Macerata and Camerino. Currently, she is a Contract Professor at the Department of Political Science, Communication, and International Relations (SPOCRI) of the University of Macerata, teaching a workshop on preparation for entry into public administration (IUS/10).
As the author of dossiers, essays, and articles (Area 12 Legal Scientific Journals recognized by Anvur), she regularly collaborates with Diritto24 and Public Administration24 by Il Sole 24 Ore. She is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Observatory on Coastal Landscapes of Legambiente (www.paesaggicostieri.org). She is a member of the National Legal Council of Assoconsum, an association recognized by the Ministry of Economic Development. Her areas of expertise include Competition, Concessions, Maritime State Property, Land Governance, Building, and Urban Planning, and she has extensive experience in the entire sector of public goods concessions.
Founding Partner of the law firm lmlex with offices in Macerata – Rome – Monopoli (BA).