Andrea Noris graduated in Economic Sciences at University of Brescia. He is a member of the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts (“ODCEC”) of Brescia and also Legal Auditor based in Brescia and Milan.
In 2016 he started his working experience in one of the “Big4”, EY S.p.A. (Milan office), and as part of audit team has become Audit Manager. During those years Andrea had the opportunity to work with a lot of difference companies and backgrounds, as middle-market industries, startups, Italian groups or listed companies. Andrea attended learning and recruiting lessons and workshops in Milan universities.
He wa salso involved into the the “EY Startup Team” being mentors of a lot of them part of the audit team of some of the most imporant Italian Scaleups.
He has also acquired particular professional and soft skills providing consultancy, fiscal and auditing assistance in the sectors as internal control, Italian and International accounting and company taxation, corporate and commercial law. He was also involved in accounting and tax due diligences.
As chartered accountant in Brescia he actually assists his clients (both individuals and companies) with ordinary and straordinary tax support, preparation of statutory and consolidated financial statement based on Italian Accounting Principles (“OIC”), planning of company budget and forecast model and also preparation of expert report for straordinary operations and the related analisys and documentation.
Finally, Andrea is actually member of:
- “Unione Giovani Dottori Commercialisti di Brescia”;
- “Commissione Startup Innovative e PMI Innovative dell’Ordine dei Commercialisti di Brescia”
and is the President of the Board of Directors of the professional legal audit company Renew Audit S.r.l.., based in Palazzolo Sull’Oglio (Brescia).
Excellent relational, topic management and problem solving skills.